Daft Stuff: 6
See how you get on with these ten quiz questions, then you can head out for the real thing that sells pints and everything
1 Under what name was Dino Crocetti better known?
2 What race of people is considered to be the world’s tallest?
3 The statue of Christ on the Corcovado overlooks which city?
4 In a Parliamentary Election, what percentage of the total votes does a candidate need to avoid losing their deposit?
5 In The Lord of the Rings, Glamdring is the name of what?
6 What famous phrase was first announced to the audience at the Louisiana Hayride Theatre on December 15 1956?
7 In Dire Straits’ Sultans of Swing, who “knows all the chords”?
8 Who asked for the head of John the Baptist?
9 Macaroni, Gentoo and Chinstrap are types of what?
10 Which direction are space shuttles always launched in? (The answer “up” disqualifies whoever gives it).
1 Dean Martin. 2 Tutsi (Rwanda and Burundi, Central Africa). 3 Rio de Janeiro. 4 12.5%. 5 A sword forged for Turgon, the Elven King of Gondolin, and later owned by the wizard Gandalf. 6 “Elvis has left the building” (compere Horace Lee Hogan). 7 Guitar George. 8 Salome. 9 Penguin. 10 East.
Photo: Raphael Nogueira, Unsplash

Not a lot of imagination has gone into naming this small road in Tynemouth, Tyne & Wear. Seaside Lane? Beach Close? Shore Road? Nah, let’s call it Back Front just to confuse people – and while we’re on we can take a chunk out of the wall to make the sign fit.
Or, in this case ‘bike’. A damp afternoon at The Central in Gateshead hasn’t deterred one hardy cyclist from venturing out for a pint. The Central, dating from 1856 is thriving alongside the mounting popularity of its neighbours Station East, The Microbus and Axis in the newly-titled Station Quarter of the town.

“Johnny Depp allegedly spends $30,000 a month on wine, and the only thing more tedious to spend your money on than wine is watches. Wine is the ultimate emperor’s new clothes because everyone secretly knows that wine, whatever the price, just tastes like bad Ribena.”
HADLEY FREEMAN, Guardian Weekend Magazine
…and the barman asks how he got on at his job interview. The man says: ‘The first thing they asked was what sort of salary I was looking for so I said £100,000 a year plus a generous benefits package. The interviewer said, ‘How about 12 weeks annual leave, non-contributory pension scheme, free lunches and a new top-of-the-range car every year’. I said, ‘Wow, are you kidding? And he said, ‘Of course I am, but you started it.’

A stained glass skylight in the Railway Hotel, Birtley, Gateshead, depicting the points of the compass. It’s orientated correctly, too. This grand traditional high-street pub is absolutely sparkling, from its deep-buttoned upholstered seating that ranges in colour from forest green to rich red, to the impressive island counter and glorious gantry that separate barroom from lounge and games area more effectively than any partition.
That’s all for now, pub-pickers. Feel free to read this issue again – and again – and tell your friends.
See you in October, same place, www.meet-and-drink.co.uk
And as always… mine’s a pint. (AG)